I came across a popular technique for providing a handle for storing small objects in the handle itself and larger ones on the heap. Using modern C++, this can be implemented quite nicely at compile time. Here is a simple example:

// max bytes to store on the stack
constexpr int on_stack_max = 20;

template<typename T>
struct Scoped {     // store a T in Scoped
        // ...
    T obj;

template<typename T>
struct OnHeap {    // store a T on the free store
        // ...
        T* objp;

template<typename T>
using Handle = typename std::conditional<(sizeof(T) <= on_stack_max),
                    Scoped<T>,      // first alternative
                    OnHeap<T>      // second alternative

void f()
    Handle<double> v1;                   // the double goes on the stack
    Handle<std::array<double, 200>> v2;  // the array goes on the free store

Let’s break this down

  • constexpr int on_stack_max = 20;: This line defines a constant expression for the maximum number of bytes that can be stored on the stack.
  • template<typename T> struct Scoped { T obj; };: This is a template struct that can store an object of any type T on the stack.
  • template<typename T> struct OnHeap { T* objp; };: This is a template struct that can store a pointer to an object of any type T on the heap.
  • template<typename T> using Handle = typename std::conditional<(sizeof(T) <= on_stack_max), Scoped<T>, OnHeap<T>>::type;: This line defines a template alias Handle that uses std::conditional to decide whether to use Scoped<T> or On_heap<T>. If the size of T is less than or equal to on_stack_max, it uses Scoped<T>. Otherwise, it uses On_heap<T>.
  • void f() { Handle<double> v1; Handle<std::array<double, 200>> v2; }: This function demonstrates how to use the Handle template. v1 is a Handle that stores a double on the stack, because the size of a double is less than on_stack_max. v2 is a Handle that stores an std::array<double, 200> on the heap, because the size of std::array<double, 200> is greater than on_stack_max.

Of course, this assumes that T can be copied and moved around, and that it has a finite size. If T is not copyable or movable, you will need to adjust the implementation accordingly.

This shows how powerful modern C++ can be in terms of compile-time programming. It allows you to make decisions at compile time based on the properties of types, which can lead to more efficient and flexible code.