asyncio in Python is a library that provides a way to write concurrent code using the async and await syntax. It is built on top of the asyncio event loop, which is a single-threaded event loop that runs tasks concurrently. Inspired by a similar post by Jacob, we will explore how asyncio works from scratch by implementing our own event loop runtime with Python generators.

Coroutine basics in Python

Before we can dive into the implementation, a quick primer on how generators work in Python, this is all with vanilla Python and does not touch upon anything with async keywords. David Beasly has a great talk on this called “A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency” which I highly recommend.

yield in Python generators / coroutines

Most people are familiar with generators that yield something and then we can iterate over it. For example:

def iterable_dirs(regex  : str) -> Iterable[str]:
  """Iterates over directories that match the regex"""
  for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
    for dir in dirs:
      if re.match(regex, dir):
        yield os.path.join(root, dir)

# to use this
for dir in iterable_dirs(r'^[a-z]'):

send and yield to communicate with a coroutine

However, yield can also be used to communicate with the caller. For example, we can send values to the generator using the send method. This is how we can implement a simple coroutine in Python:

def coroutine():
  print("coroutine started")
  while True:
    value = yield
    print(f"received value: {value}")

# to use this
c = coroutine()

# we would see
# >  coroutine started
# >  received value: 1
# >  received value: 2

Note the first call to next(c) is needed to start the coroutine. This is because the first call to send will not work. This is because the coroutine is not yet started. The next call will start the coroutine and then the first send call will work.

yield from to delegate to another coroutine

We can also use yield from to delegate to another coroutine. This is useful when we want to call another coroutine and then return the value back to the caller. For example:

def coroutine():
  print("coroutine started")
  while True:
    value = yield from sub_coroutine()
    print(f"received value: {value}")

def sub_coroutine():
  print("sub coroutine started")
  while True:
    value = yield
    print(f"sub coroutine received value: {value}")

# to use this
c = coroutine()

# we would see
# >  coroutine started
# >  sub coroutine started
# >  sub coroutine received value: 1
# >  received value: 1
# >  sub coroutine received value: 2
# >  received value: 2

Returning values from a coroutine in Python

Typically values are “yielded” to the caller via the yield keyword. However, you can also return using the return keyword just like a regular function. However, the return value is wrapped in a StopIteration exception. For example:

def corou():
  print("coroutine started")
  while value := yield:
    print(f"received value: {value}")
  return "done"

If we run this coroutine, we would see:

c = corou()

# we would see
# >  coroutine started
# >  received value: 1
# >  received value: 2
# >  StopIteration: done

The lifetime of variables declared in a coroutine is tied to the lifetime of the coroutine, as a result, as we go back and forth between the caller and the coroutine, the variables are preserved. This is how we can implement a simple state machine using coroutines.

Implementing a Asyncio Runtime

Cooperative multitasking with generators and coroutines

At the heart of the asyncio runtime is an event loop, in the asyncio impl, the event loop is written in C, but here we can implement it in Python. Each event in the event loop is something that can be resumed, suspended, and fits the generator paradigm quite nicely. We can use next() mechanism to wake up a task, run the code until some blocking event, and then yield to return control back to the loop for it to work on something else.

A simple example of the above concept can be illustrated below.

def task1():
  while True:

def task2():
  while True:

event_loop = [task1(), task2()]
while True:
  for task in event_loop:

Here we have a static event loop with only two tasks (not very useful in real life), but you can see how we can run the tasks concurrently. The next(task) call will run the task until the next yield statement and then move on to the next task. This is the basic idea behind the asyncio event loop.

Dealing with blocking IO - asyncio.sleep example

Now let’s see if we can impelment asyncio.sleep with coroutines. The idea here is we want to wake up this thread that’s running the async sleep call and check if the time elapsed has reached, if not, we suspend the task and give back control.

import time

def sleep_async(seconds):
  start = time.time()
  while True:
    if time.time() - start >= seconds:

def task1():
  while True:
    yield from sleep_async(1)

def task2():
  while True:
    yield from sleep_async(2)

event_loop = [task1(), task2()]
while True:
  for task in event_loop:

You could probably guess what this is doing, the yield from statement here is similar to await in asyncio, it suspends the task until the sleep is done. The sleep_async function is a simple coroutine that checks if the time elapsed is greater than the time we want to sleep for, if not, it yields control back to the event loop.

At its core, the asyncio.sleep basically does the same thing.

Apply syntactic sugar with async and await

What does it mean to have a async keyword in front of a method in Python? Well, it turned out things are Avaiable if it implements the __await__ method. This is how we can implement the sleep function with the async keyword.

This is an exampel of how await is implemented on asyncio.Future:

def __await__(self):
  if not self.done():
    self._asyncio_future_blocking = True
    yield self
  if not self.done():
    raise RuntimeError("Event loop stopped before done")
  return self.result()

Since we cannot give __await__ to a function, we need to create a class to encapsulate the state of the coroutine. Let’s create a simple Task wrapper for this:

event_loop = Queue()

class Task:
  def __init__(self, coro):
    self.coro = coro
    self.finished = False
    self.res = None

  def done(self):
    return self.finished

  def result(self):
    return self.res

  def __await__(self):
    while not self.done():
      yield self

    return self.result()

  def new(coro : Generator) -> Task:
    """Create a new task from a coroutine"""
    task = Task(coro)
    return task

When we call await on an instance of the Task, it will yield until someone else sets the finished state to True.

from queue import Queue

event_loop = Queue()

def run(main: Generator) -> None:
  while not event_loop.empty():
    task = event_loop.get()
      # wakes up the task and runs until the next yield
    except StopIteration as e:
      task.finished = True
      task.res = e.value

This code looks more complex now, let’s break it down:

  • We have a Queue to hold the tasks (this is our simple event loop)
  • We have a run function that takes a generator and puts it in the queue
  • We then run the event loop until the queue is empty
  • We then get the task from the queue and run it until the next yield statement
  • If the task is done, we set the finished flag to True, we also extract the StopIteration value and set it to the result field of the task
  • If the task is not done, we put it back in the queue so it can be run again

With this run method, we can now run our tasks with the await keyword. For example:

def _sleep(seconds : float) -> None:
    start_time = time.time()
    while time.time() - start_time < seconds:

async def sleep(seconds : float):
    task =
    return await task

Putting it all together

Putting it all together, we now have the following:

from queue import Queue
from typing import Generator
import time

event_loop = Queue()

class Task:
  def __init__(self, coro):
    self.coro = coro
    self.finished = False
    self.res = None

  def __repr__(self) -> str:
    return f"{self.coro}, finished {self.finished}, res : {self.res}"

  def done(self):
    return self.finished

  def result(self):
    return self.res

  def __await__(self):
    while not self.done():
      yield self

    return self.result()

  def new(coro) -> 'Task':
    """Create a new task from a coroutine"""
    task = Task(coro)
    return task

def run(main: Generator) -> None:
  while not event_loop.empty():
    task = event_loop.get()
    # print(f"Running task {task}")
      # wakes up the task and runs until the next yield
    except StopIteration as e:
      task.finished = True
      task.res = e.value

def _sleep(seconds : float):
  start_time = time.time()
  while (time.time() - start_time) < seconds:

  return time.time() - start_time

async def sleep(seconds : float) -> None:
  task =
  return await task

async def task1():
  for _ in range(2):
    print('Task 1')
    await sleep(1)

async def task2():
  for _ in range(3):
    print('Task 2')
    await sleep(2)

async def main():
  one =
  two =
  await one
  await two

if __name__ == '__main__':

If we run this code, we will see the following:

~/Tmp » python                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             146 ↵ bolu@BobookAir
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 2

You will notice that there are some commented out print in the code, if we uncomment them, we’ll see the context switches in action on the event loop:

Running task <coroutine object task2 at 0x102ab82b0>, finished False, res : None
Running task <coroutine object main at 0x102827920>, finished False, res : None
Running task <generator object _sleep at 0x10284af80>, finished False, res : None
Running task <coroutine object task2 at 0x102ab82b0>, finished False, res : None
Running task <coroutine object main at 0x102827920>, finished False, res : None
Running task <generator object _sleep at 0x10284af80>, finished False, res : None
Running task <coroutine object task2 at 0x102ab82b0>, finished False, res : None
Running task <coroutine object main at 0x102827920>, finished False, res : None

If you got this far, I hope you have enjoyed the post. Albeit being simple (we didn’t even do any epoll / io_uring or any kind of OS level IO event integration), this taught me a lot about how asyncio works behind the scenes. It is obviously not as efficient as the C implementation and would not survive any production load, but the mental model is there. I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did writing it.